Area Hall

Players can enter the “ArenaHall” interface by clicking the button on the upper main interface.

Players can challenge others’ mirror images to obtain a ranking on the Supreme List. The Supreme List currently displays the ranking and players can check more through “view more rankings”. When Players succeed in the challenge, Ranking will be exchanged if the defender is higher than the challengers. The ranking will not be exchanged if the defender is lower than the challengers, whether it wins or defeat. Players can challenge 10 times per day. Each time challenge consumes a fixed energy. Refresh times can change the enemies that players want to challenge and it can’t be purchased.

The Arena Hall can be set up with the exclusive defensive team, and the heroes on board can be freely adjusted. The defensive team is different from the Battle Team. The current battle team is the latest when players don’t need to adjust. When players launch a challenge, in fact, they are challenging other players’ defensive team (mirror image). The defensive team records the mirror image of the current team (including hero level/star/equipment worn). Until players click “Update”, the latest defensive team will be refreshed. In addition, the defensive team will be updated whenever players log in.

The arena ranking will only be updated according to the refresh countdown. Weekly Ranking Rewards will distribute according to the Arena ranking every Monday. If players do not claim the ranking reward, it will be kept until the next ranking reward at most; if the reward is still unclaimed, it will be automatically cleared. The most important thing is that until the rewards have been claimed, the page Arena Ranking will be refreshed again.

The Arena Ranking will be refreshed with the current ranking and a weekly ranking rewards countdown. Players will receive Honor after each battle, regardless of victory or failure. However, if they fail, they will only receive half the amount of Honor that can be used in the Store. The honor points from victory or defeat will be given according to different ranking intervals.

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