Set Meal

Opening Condition

Unblock Main Chapter 10–5

Composition of Set Meal


Basic training, a small increase in basic attributes. Upgrade the part of the Set Meal according to the part to improve the basic attributes. Each part has one attribute, and different parts have different attributes. The upper limit of the upgrade level of the current part is affected by the quality of the part. Each upgrade has a success rate. The higher the level, the lower the success rate. If the upgrade fails, the materials will be consumed normally, the level will not be upgraded, and the failure will not be downgraded. Only the cultivation materials will be consumed. If the upgrade is successful, there will be a success prompt.


Change the quality, change the basic attributes. The Evolve level affects the other two level caps. Evolve is limited by the progress of the level. When it is currently impossible to upgrade, it will prompt. If the restricted cultivation has reached the upper limit and is upgraded again, there will be a text prompt. When all cultivation reaches the upper limit, the success rate, consumption, and buttons are not displayed, and the label is cultivated to the upper limit. Set Meal Evolve will change the image, name, and quality of the meal. Grades can be distinguished by color: Green 1<Blue 1, 2<Purple 1, 2<Orange 1, 2, 3, 4<Red 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Light up to increase a variety of attributes, and the percentage increases the upgrade effect. Activate the lighting in sequence by position to obtain improved attributes and additional effects. Consume props to activate the grid attribute configuration in turn, and the attack and defense blood will increase. If all 5 grids are activated, the rune level will be automatically increased once, and the special effect will be activated when it reaches a certain level: the percentage enhances the upgrade attribute. The improved limit of cultivation is affected by the upgrade. When the improvement reaches a certain level, additional special effects are activated, and the effects are accumulated. Red dot prompt: Can be cultivated and improved.

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