Set Up and Use MathWallet (APP) for BurgerSwap

Here’s how you can get set up on MathWallet and start using BurgerSwap in just a couple of minutes.

Step 1: Setting up your wallet for Binance Smart Chain

1) Download Math Wallet here. If you already have MathWallet, make sure your app is up to date.

2) Upon the first launch of the app, you will be presented with the screen below which is the part where you can choose [Binance Smart chain] and [Create a New Wallet] or [Import] an existing one.

3) Go to your Smart Chain wallet and press [Account] to find your address to receive assets.

Step 2: Use Math Wallet for BurgerSwap

1) Click on Dapp and enter BurgerSwap in the search box.

2) Connect your wallet with BurgerSwap, then you can experience each function of BurgerSwap.

Last updated