Add liquidity

1) How to add liquidity?

Users who add liquidity to pools will earn the bridge fee according to the share of the pool. For example user A adds the liquidity in the USDT pool on BSC chain, he can earn the bridge fee charge from other users who transfer USDT from other chains to BSC.

You can check all added assets info in [Liquidity Overview], click [Overview] to check the asset addition status of each chain.

2) How to remove liquidity?

Select the token you want to remove in [Liquidity Overview], click [Remove] and enter the amount then you can receive the assets.

3) What is swTOKEN

After providing liquidity you will get corresponding swTOKEN, users can withdraw their TOKENs either from the original chain in which provided liquidity in the beginning or from another chain through swapping their swTOKEN cross-chain.

For example, as the balance of the USDT pool in BSC is less than the amount of USDT you want to withdraw, you could transfer your swUSDT from BSC to HECO, to remove liquidity and withdraw USDT in HECO.

Steps are similar to Bridge, click [Brideg] and choose [swUSDT]as your transfer token, and click [swap]-[confirm]

Click [Liquidity], you will see a new position of USDT in HECO, and click [Remove] to withdraw USDT.

Last updated