2. Swap


BurgerSwap has upgraded to a dex aggregator that integrates the leading DEXs on Binance smart chain, offering users the best price with the lowest transaction cost and slippage. In addition, users would be rewarded $BURGER for trading.

Generally, each DEX has its separate pools. Users need to manually check the price and depth of each platform to get a better price, which is not efficient and does not enable complex trading routes and paths. BurgerSwap solves this by splitting the order into different routes and inquires the DEXs integrated, giving the best rates for traders. At the same time, BurgerSwap provides two modes, the most tokens received and the least gas fee, choose according to your needs.

Exchanges Integrated with BurgerSwap currently: PancakeSwap, MDEX, Biswap, Apeswap, BakerySwap, Babyswap, WOOFi Swap, Julswap. By combining the switch protocol, BurgerSwap strives to allow users to access any digital asset or transfer funds between any chains with best prices in one platform.​​

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