

In addition to the reward they obtained by providing liquidity, Burger Farms allows users to stake BLP tokens to farm and earn extra rewards. In Burger Farms, you can unstake your LP tokens at any time. Rewards are calculated per block.

How to farm on BurgerSwap?

Before farming, all users must make sure that:

· Your wallet is on the BSC network and is connected to BurgerSwap.

· There is sufficient BNB in your wallet for a gas fee.

Users can pick the farming pool that they are interested in. For this example, we will show you how to farm in the FNX Farming Pool.

1) Get FNT-BURGER LP tokens.

i. Click [Trade-Liquidity], and choose [V2] (*Only V2 LP tokens can be used for farming). Click [Add Liquidity].

ii. Choose FNX and BURGER, respectively approve FNX and BURGER transactions in your wallet, and click [Supply] and Confirm the transaction. Then you can get the FNX-BURGER BLP tokens.

2) Stake BLP tokens to Farm

Go to the Farms, click [Approve] to authorize access to your FNX-BURGER BLP tokens, click [Stake], enter the amount, and Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

3) Harvest your rewards

Click [Harvest] to claim all cFNX and BURGER you have earned, and Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Last updated